As an experienced student of the stars, Kari will guide you through a 60-minute reading of your astrological chart. With her background as an Ayurvedic practitioner, Herbalist, and bodyworker, Kari was drawn to the practice of Medical Astrology. Each planet in your natal chart is associated with a specific organ or body system. By using this information, Kari can utilize her unique intuitive gifts to find answers to the questions you may have regarding your health journey and otherwise.
This session will give you an in-depth look at your astrological blueprint as well as an understanding of the moving planetary orbits that align with your natal chart. Kari will intuit a customized herbal apothecary product for you based on the information in your chart and you will receive this complimentary item in the mail following your session to assist your healing journey.
The combination of astrological insight and Ayurvedic healing wisdom makes this session a truly unique experience. Both Astrology and Ayurveda are rooted in ancient science and utilize guidance from the elements of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. With a better understanding of your elemental strengths or weaknesses, you can assist your own body, mind, and spirit into a healthier balance. Ayurvedic lifestyles, rituals, foods, and herbs can help in this process.
Once you purchase this session you will receive an email from us requesting some details that are needed for Kari to read your natal chart such as your birth time & place. We will also correspond through email to set up a day and time that works to meet over Zoom for your reading. It is especially powerful to come into your session with a question you would like to center our focus around. Be as specific as possible.
After your session you will receive an email with a recording of our call together and your customized herbal product will be created by Kari and shipped to you within a week.